William Shatner Voices Nasa Video Ahead Of Mars Curiosity Landing (VIDEO)

Nasa Hires William Shatner For Role In Mars Landing

Nasa's Curiosity rover is set to land (hopefully) on Mars next week - so the space agency have celebrated in the only way they know how: commissioning William Shatner to make a video.

The Star Trek legend voices the clip, which tells the story about how the Mars Rover will attempt to land safely on the planet.

His dulcet tones are the perfect, calming accompaniment to what Nasa have said is their most difficult mission ever.

In the video Shatner is joined by Will Wheaton, famous not only for appearing on Star Trek: The Next Generation but for his prolific social media following and guest appearances on The Big Band Theory.

"Shatner and Wheaton are mavericks in inspiring film, TV and social media audiences about space," said Bert Ulrich, Nasa's multimedia liaison for film and TV collaborations.

"Nasa is thrilled to have them explain a difficult landing sequence in accessible terms that can be understood by many. Thanks to their generous support, Mars exploration will reach Tweeters, Trekkies and beyond!"


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