Star Wars: Chewbacca's Head Sells For £110,000 At Hollywood Memorabilia Auction, Profiles In History

Price Wars: Chewbacca's Head Sells For £110,000

The original Chewbacca head worn by actor Peter Mayhew in the Star Wars movies has been sold for ($176,000) £110,000 at a Hollywood memorabilia auction.

The furry face mask was one of the big sellers at the Profiles in History auction on Tuesday.

Others lots which attracted huge bids included Christopher Reeve’s 1978 Superman costume, which raised £50,000 ($80,000), and the Edward Scissorhands outfit worn by Johnny Depp, which went for £55,000 ($88,000).

A 1938 copy of Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone With The Wind, signed by the cast of the classic film adaptation, was sold at the auction for £84,000 ($135,000), Gene Wilder’s 1971 Willy Wonka suit sold for £47,000 ($75,000).

The costume Michael Keaton wore in 1992's Batman Returns reached £20,000 ($32,000).

It consists of a screen-used cowl hairpiece (which encompasses the entire head), and a period-made Stuart Freeborn facial appliance. Judging by the construction of the cowl, it was also most likely used in more than one of the original films of the trilogy. The facial appliance is attached to the cowl and mounted on a period Stuart Freeborn foam Chewbacca head so that the display retains its screen-used appearance. The foam head was originally made by Freeborn to support the facial appliances while they were prepared for i lming on the set. The front jaw, mouth, nose, teeth and tongue that comprise the facial appliance are original period pieces made for the production by Stuart Freeborn, and have been reassembled for the display. The eyes are actual casts of Peter Mayhew’s closed eyes, taken directly from the lifecast that Freeborn made for the trilogy.



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