Laurence Clark is an acclaimed comedian, presenter, writer and actor who has cerebral palsy. But whatever you do: don't call him inspirational. Why? Well, you'll find out if you see his new show at the Edinburgh Fringe...
Pitch your Edinburgh show in 25 words or less.
Being called inspirational is my pet hate. Usually, it's for everyday stuff like getting dressed or having kids. My show sorts out what's truly inspiring.
Your best Edinburgh moment?
Doing my show Spastic Fantastic in 2008, which garnered no less than eight four-star reviews.
And your worst?
Brendon Burns making me lick his nipple during his show.
You've got one hour free in Edinburgh - what do you do?
Probably hunt in vain for an accessible toilet.
Which Edinburgh landmark/venue/place would you give a five star review to?
Molly's Play Centre for keeping my son entertained. It's just a shame it recently shut down.
Give us a secret Edinburgh tip!
Always have a day off halfway through.
Deep-fried haggis or deep-fried Mars bar?
Mars bar - I'm vegetarian.
Kilt or trousers?
Trousers every time. As a wheelchair use who's sat down a lot, a kilt is never a good option.
Arthur's Seat or Arthur Smith?
Arthur Smith all the way. I'm no hill-climber.
Complete this sentence: “In Edinburgh, I will be mainly...
...persuading audiences how truly uninspiring I really am.
Laurence Clark's new show, Inspired, is at 17.20 at Underbelly, 1-27 August. Find out more and book tickets here.