Baby Laughs At Cat Jumping Up For Snacks (VIDEO)

WATCH: Baby Gets Giggles Over Cat

All child development experts agree: it's never too early to encourage your baby to laugh at amusing cat antics. After all, it'll prepare them for all those long and fruitful hours spent watching funny animal videos on YouTube in later life.

And as you can see, the baby in this video is getting a head start in the Ancient Art of Laughing and Pointing at Cats.

Of course, there's always the risk the kid will burn out too quickly and grow prematurely tired of giggling at cats.

And that's when people start looking elsewhere in the animal kingdom for their cheap laughs. In milder cases, a sneaky puppy may do the job. But sometimes, only a dancing walrus will suffice.

Think you could be suffering from cute cat burnout? Don't panic! We've got an entire video slideshow of dancing animals and birds - and there's not one cat among them...


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