Obama And Romney Bond Over Adele's 'Skyfall' Theme (VIDEO)

WATCH: Obama And Romney Bond Over Adele

They may occupy opposite ends of the US political spectrum, but Barack Obama and Mitt Romney certainly agree on one thing: Adele's new Bond theme, Skyfall, is a "marvellous thing for young people". However, Obama can't talk about it too much without "starting to choke up".

Don't believe us? Just watch the video - courtesy of our US cousins at The Huffington Post - which shows the presidential election rivals in a rare, and rather emotional, moment of agreement.

And now we'd like to continue to pay homage to Adele's Skyfall - and in particular its ill-advised attempt to rhyme "skyfall" with "crumbles" - by taking another look at our slideshow of some of the worst rhymes in pop...


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