The Mail Online Mistook Me For Zooey Deschanel And All I Got Was This Lousy Photo

Woman Mistaken For Zooey Deschanel Complains

The paparazzi mistook me for her and the Mail Online published incredibly unflattering photos of me all over the internet. Now, I’m a little less thrilled.

I never saw the photographer. I was simply dashing to look at an apartment in Burbank. I went in, I saw the property, I left. I vaguely remember noticing a gardener behind a bush. He must have been the paparazzo. I walked to my car; I drove back to work. That whole day I regretted my choice of outfit - I went with jeans (which I wear maybe once a month) and a flannel shirt and one of my preferred pageboy caps. It was too hot for that outfit.


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