Ordnance Survey Releases iOS Maps App

Ordnance Survey Maps Hit iOS For Old School Cartographers

If you're an iPhone user, going 'old school' with maps used to mean switching back to Google.

Not any more. Now you can switch all the way back to the world as it existed before the iOS Maps debacle - or any online maps at all, for that matter.

The app keeps the iconic look of the original maps, and their various spires, forests and pathways.

It also claims to be the most accurate set of maps around with a team of 250 surveyors and two aircraft, and while it doesn't have street view cameras or user-generated data, it does make 10,000 changes a day to the UK database.

Peter ter Haar, director of products at the company, said: "Customers have been asking us to extend the ways they can access our detailed and trusted mapping to meet the demands of today's digital lifestyle.

"We are delighted to be launching OS MapFinder to give consumers the most up-to-date mapping from just 69p. Customers will now be able to enjoy the same experience as using a trusted Ordnance Survey paper map when exploring Great Britain on the go, at the touch of a screen."

The app is free and is bundled with a set of overview maps. It also features high-resolution Ordnance Survey maps, downloadable as a series of in-app purchases.

It's available as a hefty 336 MB download at the App Store now.


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