Willow Smith Steps Out In Bizarre Leather Ensemble On Shopping Trip In California (PICS)

What? This Old Thing?

She might only be 12 years old but Willow Smith already has her own unique sense of style.

With an emphasis on 'unique'.

We're not sure what the tiny fashionista is calling this *checks notes* look (we're plumping for 'Matrix chic') but we do know that's a whole lot of cow that Willow is carrying around on her tiny back as she went shopping in California yesterday.

Somehow, we have a feeling that isn't from the rails of H&M.

Will Smith's daughter is no stranger to a kooky look or ten, heck, she could give Lady Gaga a run for her money in the weird wardrobe stakes (see our gallery below for evidence), so it should come as no surprise that they're mates.

But whilst Willow's look might not be everyone's cup of Darjeeling, we applaud her for doing her own thing and experimenting with her look.

Gaga would be proud.


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