While fuel price rises continue to be a painful addition to motoring costs, there are plenty of things that you as a driver can do to put the brakes on that fuel bill. The way that you drive and the condition of your car has a huge impact on the amount of fuel you use every day, and these unnecessary costs can really add up over time.
It's possible to drive the same distances in same the amount of time, without cutting your top speed, but using a lot less fuel. According to the AA, when 50 of its employees took part in an eco-driving experiment, they saved an average 10% on their weekly fuel bills, with the best achieving an impressive 33% saving.
“Families have been hit hard by record fuel prices and are looking for ways to drive down costs," says Jim Kirkwood, managing director of AA Driving School. "Eco driving involves simple techniques that anyone can master. If used correctly, they can help you cut hundreds of pounds a year from your fuel bills – reducing the impact of record prices.”
Here are five super-simple tips to help you save fuel and money.