Budget Day Falls On International Day Of Happiness, The Start Of Spring.. And 10 Other Things (PICTURES)

Bored Of The Budget? March 20 Also Ushers In 10 Other 'Days'

Anybody who cast a cursory glance at the news on Wednesday was blasted with blanket coverage of the budget as Osborne readies himself to reveal the contents of his red briefcase (not a euphemism).

Yes it's BUDGET DAY and the Twitter trolls are already out baying for the Chancellor's blood as he prepares to announce another round of cuts to revive the ailing economy.

But it's not all doom and gloom.. indeed it's actually International Happiness Day as well as the first day of Spring.

The air is thick with irony on social media, as voters contemplate the miserable economic outlook and air their rage at the beleagured Chancellor.

But for those who aren't armchair economists, don't particular hate Osborne and are bored, bored, bored of the budget, here's 10 other days ushered in by the 20th of March.


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