Artist Danny Evans Gives Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt & Kate Middleton Make-Unders (PICTURES)

Spots, Double Chins & Bad Teeth: The Celebrity Make-Unders We'd All Like To See (PICTURES)

If I had a personal trainer, make-up artist, plastic surgeon, beautician and expert Photoshop artist at my beck and call, I’ve absolutely no doubt I’d be giving Angelina Jolie a serious run for her money.

But I don’t, and a sad repercussion of this is that I’m not married to Brad Pitt. Nor am I a special envoy for the UN’s Refugee Agency and I haven’t won an Oscar, dammnit.

However, what if Jolie didn’t have her army of people employed specifically to make her look as beautiful as possible?

What if? How Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt could look without their battalion of stylists and retouchers

What if, gasp, she had the same resources and options as the rest of us?

Gone are the designer gowns, sculpted physiques and perfect BMIs.

A sign of things to come for Wills and Kate?

Instead these familiar faces are sporting double chins, receding hairlines and crap clothes. Why, they’re just like you and me!

We salute you!


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