Slightly taking the sheen of the upcoming UK 4G roll-out is the news that Samsung have successfully developed the world's first 5G system.
The latest advance in mobile communications technology promises the ability to stream 3D content and HD films in as little as a second.
Samsung aim the make the technology commercially viable by 2020 and will be 100 times faster than 4G, operating a Gbps speeds.
Developers at Samsung
The 5G system uses high-frequency wavebands that until now were not believed to be capable of transmitting data the distances required for a mobile network.
The breakthrough came when the Korean tech giant developed an "adaptive array transceiver" capable of utilising the necessary wave-band.
In a statement Samsung said: "The implementation of a high-speed 5G cellular network requires a broad band of frequencies, much like an increased water flow requires a wider pipe.
"While it was a recognized option, it has been long believed that the millimeter-wave bands had limitations in transmitting data over long distances due to its unfavourable propagation characteristics.
"Samsung’s latest innovation is expected to invigorate research into 5G cellular communications across the world; the company believes it will trigger the creation of international alliances and the timely commercialization of related mobile broadband services."
The announcement gives Samsung a massive boost over rivals such as Apple.