Student Blog Of The Week: Manchester University Students Karimah Farag And Sonia Sumal's KremeCoco

Student Blog Of The Week: Manchester Students' KremeCoco


Karimah Farag and Sonia Sumal

Age: Both 19

Education:We're both studying at the University of Manchester reading for a B.Sc. in Management & Marketing of Fashion Textiles (1st year)

Tumblr: KremeCoco

What’s your blog all about?

Fashion & Make Up

Describe your blog in three words

Creative, interesting, opinionated

How long have you been running it?

Since 16 March 2013

Sonia's Crop & Velvet OOTD

What makes it different from the rest?

Our blog is run by two completely different people, who have different tastes in a lot but are united through their love of fashion. We met at our university course and are both always looking at clothes, jewellery and make up. However I, (Karimah) have a more vintage, boho style and am never seen without make up! Whereas Sonia (co author of the blog) has a more eclectic, urban, edgy style,

Who would be your dream guest blogger?

Nadia Aboulhosn or Monica Rose

What was your last blog post about?

We run our main blog on wordpress and a lookbook and tutorial tumblr page, the last wordpress post was on Kim Kardashian's maternity wardrobe & our last tumblr post was an outfit of the day.

What’s been your “blog highlight”?

Our first day of having a blog got 133 views which we were particularly impressed with!


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