A spectacularly ill-advised tweet from a young driver, describing knocking a cyclist off his bike, has led to a police investigation and widespread social media outrage.
A Norwich woman, whose name is 'Emma Way' on Twitter, tweeted: "Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier – I have right of way he doesn’t even pay road tax #bloodycyclists”.

But the driver received a nasty shock after receiving a tweet from Norwich Police, advising her to hand herself in.
Her message was retweeted hundreds of times, with many pointing out that, in fact, road tax does not exist.
As the post went viral, trainee chef Toby Hockley, 29, was identified as the alleged victim by his bike club, knocked off his bike while taking part in the Boudicca Sportive ride.
He posted on Facebook: "Oh hi! That was me you hit and FYI, you didn't knock me off, I'm too hard to be hurt by a pissy micra or whatever it was you were driving."
Hockley said he had decided previously not to report the incident. "I'm fine, few scrapes, bruises and sore joints but otherwise fine," he said. "It could have been a different story if it had been any other rider. I'm not angry at all. Don't see the point."
In an interview with the BBC, Hockley continued: "She hit me hard, really hard. I am lucky to be alive. But I managed to get out of the hedge and stand up.
"The car was nowhere to be seen. She hit me and she was gone. All I know is that it was a blonde girl driving."
Both the message and the account have now been deleted from the social networking site. A Norwich police spokesman said that both parties had now been contacted and the investigation was progressing.
In response to furious emails about the incident, Ms Way's employers Larking Gowen said in a statement. "Please be assured that this is not a view held by the firm and we most certainly do not condone this behaviour.
"We are taking the incidents very seriously, and a full and detailed investigation will be carried out and appropriate action taken. We have already spoken to Norfolk Police."
Somewhat ironically, the firm sponsor a local cycle challenge.