Hamilton The Hipster Cat Looks Just Like Salvador Dali (FACEBOOK PICTURES)

LOOK: Hamilton The Hipster Cat Looks Just Like Salvador Dali

With his flamboyant moustache, Hamilton the Hipster Cat bears more than a passing resemblance to the surrealist painter Salvador Dalí.

Hamilton, who has his own Facebook page and a following of more than 20,000 fans, is a rescue cat born on the 4th of July, and spends most of his time, well, being hip.

A glance at his pictures gallery reveals Hamilton flaunting his hipster credentials by wearing a Whole Foods trucker cap and reclining amid cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Scroll down for more pictures of Hamilton

Seems familiar: Hamilton the Hipster Cat (left) and Salvador Dali (right)

The 11-month-old feline from San Francisco has caused such an online stir he is already being touted as the next Grumpy Cat.

And according to BlackBookMag he's already secured an Urban Outfitters t-shirt deal. Achingly hip.


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