James Kingston's Cambridge Parkour Video Is The Best Heads-Up Camera Clip We've Seen

WATCH: Parkour Artist Tears Up Cambridge In Incredible Video

Heads-up cameras are a curious technology - when they're used badly, there's nothing more boring. But when they're used well...

We're not sure of the exact brand of camera used by Ampisound parkour athlete James Kingston - the same who recently hung with one hand from a massive crane in Southampton - when he took a running-and-jumping tour around Cambridge.

What we do know is that the results are absolutely amazing.

As many commenters have noted, the footage looks incredibly similar to the video game Mirror's Edge - either because the game captured parkour really well, or because Ampisound deliberately aped the game with the new video. At times it's almost too similar to be believed.

But taken at face value, this is probably the best video captured by an extreme sports camera that we've ever seen.

Needless to say, don't copy him.

Take a look below for some of our other favourites.


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