Beauty And The Bride: Scrubs To Make Your Skin Glow

Beauty And The Bride: Scrubs To Make Your Skin Glow

Beautiful bride, backless dress... spotty skin? No thanks.

Whether your wedding dress is backless or not, chances are that your arms or chest will be on show too and let's face it, after going to all that effort to find the perfect bridal gown, no one wants dry or blotchy skin when they're walking down the aisle. So - what can be done to make sure the body is all a glow on the big day?

The answer lies in scrubs. Skincare expert Renee Rouleau explains why the art of exfoliation is necessary to combat problem skin. "Often when the skin is dry, we tend to load up on heavier creams to compensate for the dryness. But dry skin means you have dry skin cell build-up. And the more you layer on the heavier creams, the more you are trying to re-hydrate dry skin cells-which makes no sense! Instead, increase your exfoliation to remove the dry skin cells, and then moisturize the new skin cells, resulting in hydrated skin".

And when it comes to our backs? It's all about beating bacteria. "Since back breakouts can be made worse when the skin has an abundance of dead skin cells on the surface, it is crucial to gently remove the cellular build-up by exfoliating the back every time you shower", says Rouleau. "It can be hard to reach all the way on your back to do it yourself, so a simple solution is to apply your antibacterial cleanser or exfoliator directly to an exfoliating body cloth. Regular loofahs, due to the thick texture and their weaving pattern, do not dry very well, making them a breeding ground for bacteria. The last thing you want to do is add bacteria to your back when you are trying to get rid of it".

As exfoliators aren't exactly hard to come by, it's just a case of selecting the right product for you. From luxury sugar scrubs to beautifully scented salts, here's our pick of the best products to make your skin sparkle:


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