The Bra Is 100 Years Old! Here's The History

The Bra Is 100 Years Old! Here's The History

100 years ago, an American socialite designed the very first brassiere, after years of suffering the corset. Thank you, Mary Phelps Jacob. So - how far has the bra come since Jacob put two silk handkerchiefs and a ribbon together?

Cup sizes were introduced in the 1930s and from that moment on, the bra business well and truly kicked off. While there were once just cone-shaped styles, strapless, balcony, plunge and t-shirt versions have all made their way onto the modern day bra menu. That's not forgetting the choice of fabrics and colours, as well as the padded or push-up options that women can choose from today.

Nicola Adams from Tallulah Lingerie explains that these developments have been dictated by how women dress. "Outerwear fashions influence the style of lingerie women want and need for their foundations, plus lingerie will give different shapes depending on style", she told MyDaily.

A choice of shape? Comfortable styles? How lucky we are. Things have moved on from the days of using hankies but Jacob's invention is one that women everywhere will always be grateful for.

From the first bra to Victoria's Secret, here's a round-up of the history below:


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