11 Inspirational Quotes About Women (PICTURES)

11 Inspirational Quotes About Women
American actress, dancer, and singer Ginger Rogers
Getty Images
American actress, dancer, and singer Ginger Rogers

Most of us will remember the first time we read a quote that made us sit up and think.

For me, it was a line by English writer Rebecca West that my mother found on a postcard and wisely sent to me in the post.

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a door mat or a prostitute."

Although West (who died in 1983) was writing in a different era, her question will still ring true for modern women today, who continue to resent being labelled as radicals for expecting equality with men at every stage in their lives.

Bold modern activists, such as Russian feminist punk-rock group Pussy Riot, disrupt people's lives to remind the world of their feminist cause.

Social media project campaigns, like The Everyday Sexism Project (created by HuffPost blogger Laura Bates), sieve the experiences of women and men to reveal examples of deep-seated gender inequity.

While on platforms such as Twitter and Pinterest, individuals go out of their way to celebrate women and their achievements.

At HuffPost UK Lifestyle, we wanted to support all these projects with our own round-up of quotes about women. Please do let us know what you think in the comments below..
