The Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has said he wants rapists castrated.
After officially opening parliament on Tuesday, President Mugabe demanded lawmakers from his Zanu-PF party crackdown on rape.
He expressed concern over increasing cases of adults abusing minors, with more than 1,600 children having been reported raped in the first half of the year in Zimbabwe, Africa Review said.
Shockingly, according to police, the main culprits were relatives advised by traditional healers that having sex with minors can cure HIV/Aids.
"Fathers be aware. We are going to make it very, very tough for you," he said.
"No molestation of youngsters, not molestation of women."
The 89-year-old leader, who has perviously been accused of using rape as a political weapon, said it was time to consider tougher sentences, especially for child rapists allAfrica reported.
A past report by an American charity has painted a harrowing picture based on interviews with 72 survivors and witnesses of politically motivated rapes in Zimbabwe.
The perpetrators allegedly included members of the Zanu-PF youth militia, and so-called "war veterans" loyal to President Mugabe, the Telegraph reported.
Now, he has said "that which makes him rape, must go" and that sentences will be drastically increased.
"In the past, there was death for rape but these days those campaigning for human rights say its inhuman, it dehumanises a person.
"But these are people who dehumanise others. If you kill someone they say punishment of that nature is dehumanising, for a person who killed someone?
"This is where I disagree. An eye for an eye. Not in that way, I was thinking for rapists we should castrate them and the person remains alive.
"But that which makes him rape, must go," he concluded.