Father Makes Boy Hold 'I Am A Bully' Sign

This Boy Won't Forget This Punishment In A While

Most parental punishments might include the naughty step, no pudding, or no Saturday night TV.

But one parent, furious when his nine-year-old son was reported as bullying other kids at his elementary school, made him learn a lesson in a very humiliating way.

Jose Lagares sent his son out to the main road, with a neon pink sign that said: "I am a bully. Honk if you hate bullies."

Jose Lagares sent his son out to the main road, with a neon pink sign

The youngster had to stand on the corner of Ft. Hood Street and W. Veterans Memorial Boulevard this week, near the family home in Kileen, Texas.

"Bullying is also a form of public humiliation. Maybe he understands that when he humiliates someone publicly that doesn't feel good," said Lagares to local news journalists.

"Hopefully he'll take that with him so the next time he tries to bully someone he'll think about it twice."

Lagares says most passerbys gave him positive feedback.


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