Great Grandfather, 64, Says It's Never Too Late To Get Fit (And He Is Quite The Hunk)

Great Grandfather, 64, Says It's Never Too Late To Get Fit

Next time you whine about how your body aches after the gym, shut your trap and think of Robert - the 64-year-old great grandfather with a body that would make a man of any age green with envy.

Inspired by fitness channel Barstarzz , Robert started exercising again at 55-years-old. Talk about fitspiration.

He says he feels better than he did at 18. And we're not surprised. Look at him.

Now Robert may be old enough to be our grandfather, but he is all kinds of hunky. Do you agree?

Not had enough muscles for one day? Check out these female body builders captured by photographer Martin Schoeller. Read the full story here.

Female Bodybuilders
