Syria Snow Photos Show Bitter Reality Of Life For Refugees Fleeing Civil War (PICTURES)

LOOK: Savage Winter Storm Hits Syria's Civil War

The onset of winter and freezing snows adds yet another obstacle for the families affected by Syria's grim civil war to face.

Thousands of refugees from Syria are enduring a bitterly cold winter storm in camps in neighbouring Lebanon.

A refugee move a washing machine outside her tent to protect it from the snow

UNHCR spokeswomen Lisa Abou Khaled said: "We are worried, because it is really cold in the Bekaa region, and we're extremely worried about the refugees living in makeshift shelters, because many are really substandard."

HuffPost UK asked pro revolution Syrian, Rami Al-Lolah, how the situation has been there, compared to previous years.

"Well it is extremely difficult to describe. I think Homs has never witnessed such a catastrophic situation before. The regime continues to besiege many of Homs neighbourhoods contributing to the worsening humanitarian situation there. There is no food of any kind and no medical, heating or electricity supplies to those besieged people for years now. We knew that a few children died in refugee camps outside Syria because of the media; but Gold only knows how many already dead inside Homs' besieged neighbourhoods while the 'Free' world remains silent"

The savagely fought conflict has been raging since March 2011 and despite continued international diplomacy, an end still seems far off.

The US and UK governments announced on Wednesday they would be suspending all "non-lethal assistance" for opposition forces fighting President Bashar al-Assad's army.

Britain is to provide £60 million to help Syrian refugees forced from their homes by civil war to get through the third winter of fighting.

The cash will go towards winter tents, shelter materials, warm clothing and heaters for thousands of families, as well as clean water, food, heating fuel and healthcare for refugees in Syria and neighbouring countries.

Another Syrian refugee shovels snow outside her tent

Another attempt to negotiate peace will happen at the Geneva II conference on the 22 January.


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