Cluedo Calamity

Cluedo Calamity

The Teenager has often expressed her desire to be on the TV and feels that our family would make great TV viewing. After watching and absolutely loving Goggle Box I am slightly concerned that she may apply without telling any of us.

Last night was a typical example of why she feels this............

Picture the scene :- Coffee table set up with a game of Cluedo, chairs gathered round, fire on in the background, nibbles and sweets in little bowls and more importantly......Not a gaming/phone/ipad or laptop in sight.As usual The Whirlwind decided that he knew who had done it, with what and where within 6 seconds. This resulted in everyone telling him he had to at least cross his own cards off before just taking a stab in the dark (pardon the pun).

Anyway, the game progressed nicely without too much drama when suddenly.......................The Teenager announced that as everyone was taking "Soooooo" long deciding who to accuse that she was going to have a go on the new Epilator Mr DG had purchased me for Xmas. This was greeted with a mixture of "Don't be ridiculous" from Mr DG and "Oooooohhhhh, yeah, go on" from yours truly.

Now, the scene took on a whole new look.................................Coffee table set up with a game of Cluedo, chairs gathered round, fire on in the background, nibbles and sweets in little bowls and......................................................The Teenager epilating her legs with one of them propped on the table in amongst the sweets and Colonel Mustard. Mr DG yelled at her to get her foot off of the table, The Whirlwind convinced himself that her leg hairs had gone into his drink and all I wanted to know was "Does it hurt"?????

Mr DG then did something rather stupid and exclaimed that it couldn't possibly hurt that much......................................................I know that I shouldn't of but I found myself reaching across the table and running the little hair removal contraption up his arm (be honest, who wouldn't of taken that opportunity) The look on his face was one of sheer horror as he jumped up gripping hold of his arm claiming that it had ripped his skin off.......Honestly, what a drama queen.

So, you see........................Maybe The Teenager has a point. The evening descended into howling laughter, Mr DG examining his arm, The Teenager Instagramming it all and The Whirlwind shouting that he had definitely solved it this time..........................I am not convinced he hadn't taken the opportunity to have a look at the cards during all the chaos but.....................................He only got it bloody right..................Miss Scarlet, in the Spa, with the Spanner..................Or, as I thought it should of been.......................Mrs DG, with the Epilator, in the Lounge...........................

Lots of Love



I'm 40ish and live in East Sussex with my hubby of 19 years, a 16 year old daughter named in the blog as The Teenager, an 12 year old son known as The Whirlwind and our gorgeous but slightly crazy Cocker Spaniel

Twitter: @sthurley49
