If you look up the term ‘beefcake’ in the dictionary, you should see a picture of this guy. You won’t, but you should.
However, Arlindo de Souza’s bulging muscles are not the result of hard hours down the gym.
Rather, this is what happens when you inject mineral oil and alcohol into them. Yup, it's a thing, stay with us.
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Arlindo de Souza boasts 29-inch biceps - thanks to dangerous injections of mineral oil and alocohol
Souza’s 29-inch guns are pumped full of filler to give him a very, very muscly appearance.
And it won’t come as a shock to you to hear it’s not exactly good for you, with infections, amputations and even fatalities being reported.
But that didn't deter the rippling 43-year-old – and nor did the death of his close friend who became swept up in the craze.
Speaking to Barcroft Media, he explained: "You inject it and it swells you up without having to work out. Each time I took it I wanted more and more. For me there wasn't a limit."
Souza – who is known as 'The Mountain' in his hometown of Olinda, Brazil, injected three times a week for just two months to achieve his supersized look.

Bringing out the big guns: Souza is no longer injecting, but admits the temptation is there
The Arnold Schwarzenegger fan had already been taking a cocktail of steroids, hormones and horse vitamins to bulk up when a gym buddy offered him a "site enhancement oil" to help pull ahead of his rivals.
"The guy gave it to me. He said, 'take this, it will make you grow in days'," said Souza, who is single and lives with his elderly mother.
"I loaded the syringe, put it in my arm, injected it and it swelled me up right there and then. To tell you the truth, I didn't feel a thing. There was sometimes a bit of dizziness but nothing apart from that.
"I was working out the same so my strength stayed the same - nothing changed. Most people who take it do not know how to apply it. They will use just any old blood vessel.

The way he was: Souza goes 'au naturel'
"Some will end up loosing an arm, another needs an operation, some may even lose their lives.
"My friend Paulinho, he passed away from doing these things. I felt his death a lot. He took it, I took it, but he went beyond the limit. I advise no-one to take this oil.
"I've stopped taking it, and other things as well, but there is always that will to start again. But I'm managing to control myself, to this day."
The main risk of injecting site enhancement oils is the risk of infection and developing abscesses in the muscle. These can grow and spread within the tissue.
Souza has sought medical advice, but claims doctors have so far refused to operate because "he did it to himself" and will only act if he becomes seriously ill.
He said: "If I get ill, if my arms burst, that's when I can go and see the doctor. But for me that's normal and something I've accepted."
Souza's pumped up appearance might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's proving a hit with the ladies in his village.
"The women around here and in other places admire him. They think he looks nice," offers Souza's older brother Adriano José Jordão de Souza.
It is believed the concoction Souza injected into his arms consists mainly of mineral oil, with smaller amounts of alcohol and anaesthetic.
Worryingly, it can easily be bought online or under-the-counter at rogue pharmacies.
And, though he has stopped using and warns others to stay away from it, he says it is continuing to sweep across body-conscious Brazil and South America.
He added: "To get a body like mine, it is very difficult if you are not taking anything. Some people take it but won't admit it.
"Have you ever seen a guy as big as me claiming it is natural? He is lying, I tell you. At least I tell the truth.
"It stopped for a bit because it was becoming too visible. But they are still using it, only they are using it undercover."
In 2012, the Guinness Book of World Records announced that an Egyptian bodybuilder with 31-inch biceps would be officially recognised for having the biggest in the world.

You'll have someone's eye out with that thing: Moustafa Ismail flexes his obscenely-large muscles
Moustafa Ismail insisted his physique was down to genetics and protein shakes - but speculation has been rife that he had some extra help.
In an interview with ABC he addressed the rumours, claiming: "I've been getting a lot of bad comments about people who say I'm using implants.
"Or I did surgeries for implant or I inject myself with oil substance which makes my arms that big, but the reality is I did the tests, the ultrasound test, I did the X-ray text, I did the blood tests which prove I have nothing unnatural."
However despite announcing Ismail would appear in the Guinness Book of World Records 2013, the organisation has since removed all references to him on its website.
According to the Associated Press, spokesman Sara Wilcox said Guinness was conducting research with medical experts and reviewing Ismail's category, but she did not respond to questions as to when it would conclude the review.
Aside from Ismail's case, let's have a look back at previous incidents where implants and injections on the black market have ended very badly indeed.
There have been a series of cases of bogus doctors injecting women with paraffin, cement and even tyre inflation spray.
Back in 2012, former exotic dancer Vanity Wonder lifted the lid on the dangerous and illegal world of butt injections and wrote a book warning others to avoid the same embellishments.
Wonder spent around £10,000 on the injections - which resulted in an infection and left her bottom "looking like a bag of oranges."
Wonder was being injected with silicone plugged with super glue up to 120 times in each buttock before eventually quitting the habit.
And lets not forget the incredibly tragic reports from Thailand revealing a man had been forced to have his penis removed five years after he injected it with olive oil to make it bigger.

Vanity Wonder details her five-year addiction to 'butt shots' in her new book Shot Girls
The unnamed 50-year-old was admitted to hospital after suffering an untreated cut to his penis, which led to an infection. Upon examination, it was discovered he had cancer that required his penis to be amputated.
It is not clear if the olive oil injection contributed to the infection, although as we've seen above, the procedure has been associated with swelling, inflammation and abscesses.
Worryingly the Herald Sun reports black market olive injections are common in Thailand, as are complications, with Thailand's Police General Hospital apparently receiving around 40 patients a month concerned about side effects.
Just. Say. No.