A hi-tech but "frightening" public loo has become the subject of a petition to have it removed after exposing, drenching and hitting unsuspecting women.
More than 400 people have asked the council to remove the the automatic toilet in Woking town centre.
One woman came out of the lavatory drenched after a robotic arm knocked her off the seat and started the cleaning cycle prematurely.
Not the actual toilet
Irene Watson, chairwoman of Goldsworth Park Community Association, (GPCA) said: "The risk of the door opening unexpectedly while it is in use, and the toilet's unisex nature and conspicuous position puts people off visiting it.
"And it has an unpredictable cleaning system - people are frightened of it going into a wash cycle and them not being able to get out."
The council are planning to move the toilet due to vandalism and under-use but the GPCA insist it needs fully replacing.
The petition says: "GPCA believes such a facility is vital as this area is the venue for many sporting and charity events which bring in hundreds of people on occasions as well as many visitors every day, lots with small children.
"We are supported in this view by the sports clubs which operate in the area."
A Woking Borough Council spokesman said: "The existing automatic public toilet has not met park users' needs.
"The contract to provide this toilet has expired. The council intends to consider the future provision of toilet facilities at this location."