This video charts one Roma Gypsy's journey to London to sleep under a bridge while he earned enough money to take home to his family in Romania at the end of it.
Channel Four News reporter Paraic O'Brien went to Romania to track down Constantine Boboc whom he had met previously as he slept rough in north London, working until he had enough to enable him to go home and build a new room for his family.
During his stay working here, he stockpiled toys and clothes to take back as gifts.
Constantine Boboc lived rough around Marble Arch while looking for work
When asked why he endured such hardship to come to Britain, he said: "To build the house and a life for the children."
The C4 News team eventually tracked him down to his home, right on the border with Moldova -literally the edge of the European Union.
Mr O'Brien wrote: "His story hit a nerve. Not just because of the squalor or the fact that he'd hidden bin bags full of clothes for his children in the scrub around London's railway stations, but because he exuded resilience and humour.
"He made us laugh. Some viewers got in contact to say they'd even shed a tear."