Amazing Stop-Motion Transformers Film Made Using Toys

Get All Nostalgic With This Amazing Stop-Motion Transformers Film

Transformers: Age of Extinction may well be pulling in the millions at the box office but thanks to a humble group of fans, it's a stop-motion Transformers video that deserves the real attention.

Made using old toys, this low-fi, blurry-cam video is everything that was good about Transformers, combining the old sound effects with some homemade CGI special effects.

With the hollywood version storming it at the box office despite being almost universally hated by the critics, it seems just that the best Transformers film this year was filmed in what looks like someone's living room.

Uploaded by Harris Loureiro the video is just one of a number which show off the YouTuber's apparent skills with stop-motion and homegrown CGI.

With nearly 400,000 views on YouTube and climbing maybe Hasbro should hand over the reigns of the franchise to someone new.


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