‘Big Brother’ housemates Steven Goode and Kimberly Kisselovich grew even closer in Tuesday night’s highlights show, with Steven telling his fellow contestant he was falling in love with her, the day after they were shown engaging in what appeared to be a sex act.
The day didn’t exactly get off to a flying start for the loved-up pair, as Steven received a message from home, which saw his concerned mum warn him to look further into the meaning of the word “dating” before he got any more involved with certain housemates.

Steven is overcome when he receives his message from home
This prompted him to confront Kimberly about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend, which she confessed was more serious than she’d initially let on.
As an upset Steven stormed into the garden, Kimberly was later seen crying to Big Brother in the Diary Room, admitting she wished she’d been more open and honest with her housemate from the offset, and saying, through her tears. that she’d never gone into the ‘BB’ house expecting to “fall in love” with someone.

Steven confronts Kimberly
Steven and Kimberly later had a private conversation in - where else? - his bed, where he asked her to be honest with him in the future, and confided that he was falling in love with her.
The pair then shared a slightly nauseating snog, but thankfully that’s where they decided to draw the line.

Steven and Kimberly share a kiss in the bedroom
A night earlier, on the other hand, the two appeared in what was undoubtedly the steamiest ‘BB’ scenes we’ve seen this series, with a commotion under their shared duvet culminating in Steven whispering “open it” to his fellow housemate.
What a poet.
Although the two seem as thick as thieves now, and are even talking about moving in together “as soon as” their time in the ‘BB’ house is over, things didn’t go so swimmingly for them at first, with Kimberly rejecting Steven’s advances in scenes aired last month.
‘Big Brother’ continues Wednesday, 9 July at 10pm on Channel 5.