Pushy Mum Arrested After Attempting To Sit Her Teenage Daughter's Exam

Pushy Mum Arrested After Attempting To Sit Her Teenage Daughter's Exam

In the age of the pushy parent and the 'hot-housed' kid, one mum has taken her desire for her daughter to succeed to a whole new level - by dressing like her teenage girl and sitting her end-of-term exam!

The 52-year-old woman wore heavy make-up, low-waisted skinny jeans and Converse shoes to sit her daughter's end of term exam in France.

But the mother's plan backfired when a sharp-eyed invigilator who had seen the 19-year-old daughter taking her philosophy exam a weeks earlier realised the woman was an imposter and called police – and the pushy mum was arrested. She was two hours through the three hour exam paper.

The astonishing events happened in Paris, where police spokesman said: "The mother was dressed in the casual clothes a typical teenager would wear.

"She was held briefly in custody and freely admitted what she had done. She said she was better at English than her daughter."

The mother now faces fraud charges and a fine of up to £7,000. And the daughter faced being banned from taking all public exams for five years, police said.

The Baccalaureate was introduced by Napoleon in 1808 and is France's main school-leaving exam.
