All too often women look in the mirror and think they're not good enough - previous research from Dove has shown only 4% of women around the world would consider themselves to be "beautiful".
But a new campaign is aiming to get more of us loving our reflection.
Started by an all-female band from Texas called The Mrs, the #imEnough campaign uses a "magic mirror" to help women see just how fabulous they are, both inside and out.
When the women in the above video look in the mirror, they're asked to describe how they feel about themselves. Most respond with "okay" or "not so hot".
But, not content to accept these negative responses, the mirror transforms into a screen which displays heartfelt messages from the women's friends and family about how fantastic they are.
It turns out these women have been loving mothers, wives, grandmothers and friends who've made some seriously beautiful sacrifices to make others happy.
By the end of the film, the women have been persuaded that they are "enough", just they way they are.
Grab your tissues, it's seriously moving stuff....
H/T: Cosmopolitan