Most Brits Don't Think Adultery Would Put A Strain On Their Relationship, But Money Troubles Would

Adultery Isn't The Biggest Problem In A Relationship, Think Most Brits
Peter Dazeley via Getty Images

Valentine's Day may just just around the corner, but less than a third of Brits think having an affair would put their relationship under strain.

An official study published by the Office for National Statistics looked into the nation's wellbeing and uncovered some interesting facts about our romantic relationships.

When people were given a list of situations which could possibly threaten their relationship, paying the bills and work stress outranked extra-marital affairs as possible causes of strain.

Just 36% identified an affair as a potential problem, while more than 60% singled out financial problems and 40% said a lack of work-life balance.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Gianna Lisiecki-Cunane, an associate in family law with JMW Solicitors, said the findings on financial worries outranking adultery as a concern mirrored the experience of divorce lawyers.

"There are couples who find a partner's infidelity to be an easier pill to swallow than the possibility of having to untangle and divide assets which might been built up over a number of years," she said.

"Those involved recognise that their financial worries are likely to be greater if they are on their own than if they remain in a marriage, albeit one in which there has been adultery."

It's worth noting though, that while we may not see an affair as the biggest potential problem, it doesn't necessaritly mean Brits approve of infidelity.

Results from the most recent UK National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle (NATSAL 2013) show that 63% of men and 70% of women disapprove of non-exclusivity in marriage.

The ONS survey also found only 11% think frustrations over their sex life would put a strain on their relationship. Household chores came at the bottom of the list, showing that while many of us argue about the washing up, we don't see it as a deal-breaker.

Despite all the talk on what can ruin a relationship, marriage was found to be the secret to happiness among Brits, with those who were married reporting far higher levels of life satisfaction over all, than those who aren't.

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