If issues such as the gender pay gap, FGM, poor parliamentary representation and violence against women hadn't already convinced you that we still need feminism in 2015, this lady will.
A photo of a woman wearing a protective helmet and holding a homemade placard has gone viral.
The sign reads: "I need feminism because 'who hired a stripper' shouldn't be the first said when I'm at a welding job."

Thousands of people have commented on the image - which was uploaded to Imgur yesterday - to show their support for the anonymous woman.
"I'm a female mechanic and I know how this feels. Older guys laugh when they find out I run the garage," one Imgur user says.
Another adds: "As someone who was in a male dominated profession (military police) I feel for you.
"We need to do our jobs twice as good as men to be considered equal. Unfair."
The picture is just one example of how sexism affects women in their daily lives - proof if ever you needed any that feminism is as relevant as ever.