Hillary Clinton Can't Be President Of The United States Because She's A Woman... The Bible Says So

The Bible Says Hillary Clinton Can't Be President

NEW YORK -- Should Hillary Clinton be the next president of the United States? There are plenty of sound reasons why not –- an intimacy with Wall Street, dubious achievements as Secretary of State, the need for new blood in the political arena, excessive secrecy and so on. Her gender, however, is not one of them (for some voters the benefit of having the first woman in the White House probably outweighs many of the political objections).

Yet one Texas woman thinks otherwise. Cheryl Rios, a company CEO in Dallas, wrote on Facebook that she’d “move to Canada” if Hillary became President. Why? God, of course… “There’s an old biblical sound reasoning why a woman shouldn’t be president,” Rios told a local news station. Unfortunately, the reporter didn’t ask her where in the book God forbade women from becoming the leader of a country that didn't yet exist, in a region thousands of miles from the Middle East.

In her initial Facebook post, Rios wrote: "With the hormones we have, there is no way [a woman] should be able to start a war. Yes I run my own business and I love it and I am great at it BUT that is not the same as being the President, that should be left to a man, a good, strong, honorable man."

Following the inevitable backlash, she wrote an extended tweet defending Godly waffle: "In this great country we are allowed our own opinions. Mine may be something you don't agree with, and so be it. I am old fashioned, I am Christian and believe what I have said." Cynics might suggest "old fashioned" is a euphemism for bigotry, but certainly not us...

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton


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