Shenmue 3, Final Fantasy VII, Star Wars: Battlefront And The Last Guardian Trailers All Debut At E3 2015

This Is The BEST Year For Video Games And These Trailers Prove It

The E3 2015 video games conference in Los Angeles is where the video games industry announces its biggest blockbuster games, and consoles.

2015 has proven to be one of the biggest years yet with hotly-anticipated games like Shenmue 3, Final Fantasy VII and The Last Guardian all making their debut.

Xbox unveiled its flagship titles at a packed conference in Los Angeles.

Now a billion dollar industry video games have come to surpass Hollywood thanks to massive titles like Call of Duty, Destiny and Halo 5: Guardians.

While last year's theme was the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this year's theme has been on new IP and new technology with virtual reality and massive new franchises overshadowing the old traditional titles.

Developers were keen to show off their latest new projects ranging from Ubisoft's The Division, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Horizon Zero Dawn and Dreams all showing that gamers aren't just after sequels.

Despite the resurgence of traditional titles like Doom, E3's overrunning theme has been a move away from the male-dominated protagonist with massive new female-led franchises being announced in the form of ReCore, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Horizon Zero Dawn, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate.

Horizon Zero Dawn

The best trailers have featured a refreshing mix between the blockbuster and the independent, EA got our nostalgia juices flowing with Star Wars: Battlefront while Sony kept things traditional with an incredible demo of Uncharted 4.

E3 isn't just about showing us how many pixels can be crammed into a screen, it's also about showing us the astonishing and inventive ways in which that's done.

No Man's Sky

2015 has very much been the year of the indie game. No Man's Sky is the critic's choice; with little visibility outside of the gaming circles it's a game of such scope and imagination that it could quite easily become the smash hit of 2015 for PS4.

Without any further ado: Here are the game trailers that will define 2015 and will once and for all prove that video games very much are the 'new medium'.


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