A brave seven-year-old has become West Midland Police's "youngest hero" after he stood up to armed robbers who came into his home and "terrorised" his mum and baby brother.
Muhammed Ali, from Birmingham, faced seven raiders who broke into his home in October 2014 and demanded his mother give them her gold jewellery.
The seven-year-old has now been presented with a Young Person's Award for his bravery by the West Midland's Police.
Chief Insp Phil Radbourne said went presenting the award: "It must have been scary but Muhammed's first instinct was to run towards the men and to protect his mum - his actions were extremely brave and undoubtedly left the burglars stunned."

Muhammed was in his bed when the incident happened on 2 October 2014.
Hearing a noise he went downstairs to see what was happening. He saw his mother surrounded by seven masked men, with one of them holding his baby brother.
The boy shouted at the men to leave his mum alone and detectives believe this threw the attackers, who moments later left the house.
Chief Radbourne added: "Muhammed, his mum and his baby brother all escaped unhurt, though they were understandably very shaken by the ordeal.
"I'm delighted we've recognised Muhammed's bravery with a Chief Constable's Young Persons Award.
"He can be rightly proud of himself."
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A similar story surfaced earlier this year, when a five-year-old girl called 999 after her mother had an epileptic fit.
Elleemae Addison, from Warrington, was also with her three-month-old sister at the time. She followed advice her mum had previously given her and managed to call 999.
On the recorded phone call she said: "My mum had a fit", alerting paramedics to the problem and helping to save her mum.