Mother And Baby Found Alive In Colombian Jungle Five Days After 'Catastrophic' Plane Crash

'Miracle' As Mother And Baby Found Alive In Colombian Jungle Five Days After Plane Crash

This is the incredible moment a teenage mother and her baby son were rescued – five days after a plane crash which claimed the life of the pilot.

Maria Nelly Murillo Moreno and her five-month-old son Yudier Stewart Moreno were found by emergency crews in the jungle of western Colombia after their small Cessna plane crashed in Choco province, El Colombiano reported.

The plane crashed on Saturday and the pilot was found dead in the remains of the aircraft on Sunday.

The five-month-old baby was unharmed despite his ordeal

Rescuers began searching for the pair after finding children's toys in the wreckage of the aircraft. They even set up loudspeakers in an attempt to call Moreno back to the wreckage site to receive medical treatment.

When she was eventually located, they discovered the 18-year-old had suffered minor lacerations and burns, but her little boy was completely unharmed.

Colonel Hector Carrascal of the Colombian Air Force told AFP: “It’s a miracle. It is a very wild area and it was a catastrophic accident.”

Of the baby’s survival, he added: “His mother’s spirit must have given him strength to survive.”

Colombia plane crash


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