The Edinburgh Fringe is nearly upon us, it's time to get planning! All these animals are getting ready, are you?
Bubbles is in for the duration, as a 'purrfect' show selection at @edfringe is no mean feat
— Steve Irving (@SteveIrving) July 13, 2015
Oscar the bunny exploring @edfringe planning his first trip
— Emma Cann (@EmmaCann1) July 4, 2015
My ferret found the @edfringe programme! Most unusual #petswithprogrammes?
— Antonia Goddard (@AntoniaGoddard) June 27, 2015
— Fiona Payne (@Fee_Edinburgh) June 27, 2015
Watson's happy to get his programme
— Vesper Walk (@VesperWalk) June 26, 2015
Teddy has taken his show selection into the garden...
— Sarah Archer (@SarahArcher15) June 25, 2015
CUTE. #petswithprogrammes MT @ktbkrrr Gave peggy her own programme & within minutes she was demanding we book shows!
— Edinburgh Fringe (@edfringe) June 23, 2015
It's @edfringe programme launch tomorrow! Who remembers last year’s brilliant #petswithprogrammes?!
— Deuchars IPA (@DeucharsIPA) June 3, 2015
You loved last week’s so we’ve been getting creative again with @edfringe#petswithprogrammes! ;)
— Deuchars IPA (@DeucharsIPA) July 9, 2015
Molly is all over booking tickets for the Edinburgh Fringe this year
— Andrea Byrne (@scotlandie) July 13, 2015