Cara Delevingne is obviously not a fan of early mornings - or certain TV presenters - judging by the painful interview she gave to a US morning show whilst promoting her new movie ‘Paper Towns’.
The model and actress turned on the good old British sarcasm during a chat via video link with ‘Good Morning Sacramento’, but the hosts were decidedly less than impressed with her ‘tude and cut the interview short.

Cara Delevingne
The 22-year-old looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but chatting to the show’s anchors Marianne McClary, Ken Rudulph and Mark S Allen.
Things didn’t exactly get off to a great start when one of the hosts appeared to call her Carla, and things didn’t improve as they tried to get anything out of their star guest.
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When asked if she’d read the novel that the film is based on, Cara pulled on her very best fake smile and quipped: “Uh, no I never read the book, or the script. I kind of winged it.”
Straight over their heads.
Another highlight was when Cara was asked if she had anything in common with her character in ‘Paper Towns’.
“No, I actually hate her,” she replied.
Clearly fed up with Cara’s sarcasm, one of the hosts insisted that she had appeared “more excited” in her other interviews, before asking her if she was ‘just exhausted’.
“The premiere was last night. It was a very emotional night, felt like the end of an era,” Cara explained.
“But I'm not any less excited than I was a couple of weeks ago.
“Perhaps it’s just us,” the hosts noted.
“Yeah, yeah, I think it’s just you,” Cara responded.
When one of the anchors suggested that she might want to take a nap and pick up an energy drink, Cara could be seen saying: “Too far.”
Cue the interview coming to a VERY abrupt and premature end.
Watch the full excruciating interview in the video above.