NEW YORK -- Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee would not rule out using federal troops or the FBI to stop American women having abortions. "I will not pretend there is nothing we can do to stop this," the social conservative former minister said on a campaign stop in Iowa on Friday.

Mike Huckabee and Republican presidential candidate speaks during the Rick Scott's Economic Growth Summit held at the Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Convention Center on June 2, 2015 in Orlando, Florida
Later that afternoon a reporter asked Huckabee to clarify whether that meant using troops or the FBI. "We'll see if I get to be president," Huckabee replied, adding: "All American citizens should be protected.”
In the scramble to land a place on the Fox News debate stage next week, candidates are turning to ever-more headline-grabbing sound bites in the hope of securing a bump in the pols. Only the top 10 candidates across five national polls will make the cut, with the remaining seven effectively forced out of out of the race.
Headlines equal exposure equals better polling, so the logic goes, and Huckabee is not certain of a berth at the debate. Last week the former Governor of Arkansas shot for the front pages by likening the Iran nuclear deal to President Obama marching Israelis "to the doors of the ovens.” On Friday, it was Federal troops for abortions. Next week? Who knows…?