Lisa Eldridge YouTube Video Shows The Best And Worst Makeup Moments In History

The Best And Worst Makeup Moments In History

Ever wondered which were the best and worst times in history to be a makeup lover? You're about to find out...

Celebrity makeup artist and YouTube vlogger Lisa Eldridge, who has worked with the likes of Cara Delevingne and Kate Winslet, has taken her viewers on a historical beauty journey.

Her new video, titled 'Best And Worst Moments In Makeup History' spans thousands of years worth of makeup - from monobrows in ancient Greece, 1930s silent movie star vamps and modern day selfie-ready pouts.

Eldridge created the film to celebrate the launch of her new book FacePaint: The Story Of Makeup, which is well worth a read for those interested in the history behind makeup as we know it.

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