CBI Wants 'Decisive Action' Over New Airport Runway

CBI Wants 'Decisive Action' Over New Airport Runway

A business leader is urging the Government to take "decisive action" and make a decision on building a new airport runway.

CBI president Paul Drechsler will tell the business group's annual conference tomorrow that ministers should "get on" with giving the go ahead for airport expansion in the South East.

The Airports Commission published a report in July backing a third Heathrow runway, saying it will add £147 billion in economic growth and 70,000 jobs by 2050.

A government decision is expected by the end of the year, but many businesses are frustrated at the lack of action.

Mr Drechsler will say he welcomes the creation of a National Infrastructure Commission, adding: "The Commission is a chance to end the cycle of politicisation and procrastination that has plagued British infrastructure for decades. However, we must not duck infrastructure decisions which must be made right now.

"On airport capacity, we need strong political leadership and decisive action from Government. Britain needs that new runway, so let's get it built."

On Europe, Mr Drechsler will say that most CBI members wanted to remain in a reformed EU.

He will tell the 1,000 delegates at the London event: "The majority of our members think that, on balance, the advantages of EU membership outweigh the disadvantages.

"And when we see the reforms the Prime Minister achieves and expects to achieve over time we will ask you again for your views.

"Of course we know that Europe is far from perfect. New regulation must be a last resort, not a first response.

"And further integration in the Eurozone isn't something the UK wants to be part of."


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