A new short film tells the story of how three young brothers who escaped from Syria are turning to rap music as an escape from their surroundings.
Samir, Abdulrahman and Mohamed fled to Lebanon as refugees four years ago. The film 'Straight Outta Syria' was commissioned by Theirworld, a charity raising awareness of the lack of education for young Syrians who are living as refugees in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.
World leaders are due to meet next month to pledge $750m to secure school places for one million Syrian refugee children, who the charity says are at risk of child labour, early marriage, exploitation and extremism.
Sarah Brown, President of Theirworld, which founded the #UpForSchool campaign, said: "This film poignantly tells the story of three brothers, who despite their circumstances have been able to develop their passion for rap music, because they have returned to the classroom. However, there is a generation of young talent from Syria, who will not be able to fulfil their potential, because they are currently denied an education.
"We must challenge world leaders to play a part in giving the most vulnerable children in the world a life they deserve. By investing in their education we are providing hope for Syria's young talent, and avoiding greater problems in the future."