Strangers Donate £76,000 To Pay Off Mortgage For Cancer Patient And His Family

Strangers Donate £76,000 To Pay Off Cancer Patient's Mortgage

A cancer patient and his family have one less thing to worry about this month after hundreds of strangers helped them pay off their mortgage.

Kevin Sikkema, from Michigan, was diagnosed with brain cancer in May 2014. Since then he has had multiple surgeries and therapies but now suffers from regular seizures.

As a result of his deteriorating health, Kevin, who is a firefighter, is only able to work one day each week.

But thanks to the kindness of strangers, his wife, Amy, and their three children will no longer be strapped for cash.

Members of the local community have donated £76,000 ($110,000) so that Kevin and his family can "focus on more important things".

Kevin, Amy and their three children

The Jenison Fire Department in Michigan created a GoFundMe page, asking the local community to donate money to help the Sikkema family pay off their mortgage.

"We would like to relieve this huge financial burden so the Sikkemas can focus on more important things. We only need $100 from 1000 people to make this happen," the fundraising page reads.

"This is a hard working, deserving family. They are the first to help someone in need. Kevin has served two local communities through the Fire Department for several years. Amy donates her time by giving hair cuts to patients at a local rehabilitation hospital. They have served so many. Please help support them.

"It would mean so much to our tight knit fire community if you would come alongside our brother in this time of need. We would be so thankful for your help in securing the home of this young family. This is a life changing gift that you can be a part of."

The page has now surpassed its target with more than 300 people coming forward to help the family.

Speaking to, Amy said: "There is no way we could've done it without the money our community raised.

"Medical expenses themselves are huge and with the mortgage being paid off, now we can focus on Kevin's treatment and ultimately his healing."
