"Avengers: Infinity War," the culmination of a 10-year Marvel film journey, set the record for both domestic and global opening grosses at the box office this weekend, according to Box Office Mojo.
Domestically, "Infinity War" took in $250 million, surpassing 2015′s "The Force Awakens," which brought in $247 million. Globally, "Infinity War" hit a whopping $630 million, smashing the previous global opening weekend record of $541.9 million held by "The Fate Of The Furious."
The figures are not adjusted for rising ticket prices or other inflationary factors. Still, the international grosses for the opening are even more astounding because the film shattered the record without Russia or China, where it opens May 3 and May 11, respectively. When "Fate Of The Furious" opened, China accounted for $185 million of its total global debut.
In this third Avengers film, the heroes must stop the universe's most dangerous being, Thanos, before he can gather the six legendary infinity stones, which would make him basically unstoppable.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has to date grossed nearly $15.5 billion around the world.
This pleases Thanos.