The War Against Consensus Reality Continues

After seven weeks of chasing my tail half way around the world I am finally in my house back home in my adopted country - Wales.

After seven weeks of chasing my tail half way around the world I am finally in my house back home in my adopted country - Wales.

As you may know I live in the middle of nowhere in south Wales, a place where it's a good 40 minutes journey by car to the nearest train station and I love it.

To sum up the last few weeks being Alan McGee:

Of Australia, which was a few weeks ago, I'll say thanks for the money, the hotel and the notoriety.

Followed by Tokyo, a place which is beyond amazing. I played two gigs; SummerSonic and a club show. Both were beyond a trip. Add to that Primal Scream [the best band in the world at this point on unbeatable form] playing to 18000 and it was all just mind-blowing.

From Tokyo to Spain and as always, it was a gas. My time there was spent up a mountain with my family and friends. Then finally to Paris last week where I was doing promo. The city is simply beautiful. It just makes me happy just being in that country - vive le france!!! Vive Le Flore!!!

Yesterday I spoke at the annual conference TEDx at Oxford University. I was on the bill with Vidal Sassoon and Kelly Cutrone and to put it simply all I can say is it was a lot of fun.

Vidal Sassoon is a total legend and at 82 as sharp as a knife. I love Kelly, she is a very warm and a beautiful soul. I presume all talks will be up online soon.

TEDx surprised me though, and it taught me a lesson. The kids who came along were kids who don't judge - so I had to tell myself "don't you judge them because of their background, McGee"

I know I am guilty of doing this. I know and accept it and I now know I need to sort it out. I found myself sat next to five really great super bright kids at the speakers dinner last night. These kids were completely obsessed by Aleister Crowley, which blew my mind!

Usually, you see, I have to put up with people wanting to talk about indie bands and the indie war.

But these kids completely surprised me and it was really cool to be able to turn them on to Peter J Carroll, Liber Null and Liber Kaos.

We discussed the Frankfurt School, the German sociologist, philosopher and musicologist Theodor Adorno, of course The Beatles and the whole concept of the Aquarian Conspiracy.

It was a real pleasure, an inspirational day with inspired speakers.

I left the dinner early with client/my wife at about 9pm and was home back in Wales by 11pm. Early start seeing my kid for breakfast and off to school, back to being a Dad.

This morning the new Shaun Ryder book arrived and my friend Pony recently bought me a new Crowley biography - so that's me for the next few days tucked up.

On Thursday this week I turn 51 and it's just weird that I got to this age and am still getting away with it.

Having said that, having a daughter makes all the mistakes you ever made seem irrelevant.

We all make them. Unfortunately you can't get rid of the past. Just move to another country when you know you have made one, it's easier, geography is fabulous at getting rid of unwanted garbage. Life is a game if you know how to play it.

Some thoughts...

Lawful evil versus chaotic good - the never ending story and the eternal fight.

Today's liberation becomes tomorrows oppression.

Those declaring themselves enlightened merely display their inability to imagine the extent of what they don't know.

The war against consensus reality continues.

Alex Lowe is a great artist, good singer and an amazing occult painter. Next year will be his.

The book 'Take a Walk on the Wild Side' I am working on with Harry Mulligan of Vice is going to be in short story form and has already started... bring it!!!

Nothing is real, everything is permitted.


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