It's been six days since Team SCA left New Zealand behind and with every hour on the water we sail further and further away from the rest of civilization...

It's been six days since Team SCA left New Zealand behind and with every hour on the water we sail further and further away from the rest of civilization.

On land you are surrounded by family, colleagues, friends and have such easy access to your mobile phone, supermarkets and hospitals. Out here, we only have ourselves and the boat, where we are completely reliant on what we packed up for the journey only a few short days ago.

It's scary, but it's a thrilling thought.

It really is amazing how time flies at sea. Though we've only been away for six days, it feels as if we've been away for weeks. Not only that, but we only have around 1,000 miles left until we reach Point Nemo - one of the most remote places in the entire world.

This special dot on the globe is named after the submarine captain in Jules Verne's classic novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and marks the centre of an empty blue circle about the size of North America.

It's the Pacific Ocean's pole of inaccessibility and, at 1,670 miles away from the nearest land mass, it's the furthest you can get from dry land short of launching yourself into space - which is a crazy thought!

Every mile we lay behind, the nature all around us becomes more astonishing, impressive and wild. The wind becomes stronger, the swell bigger, and it gets wetter and colder for every day.

The whole deck is now getting regularly flooded and it's a constant battle for us all to stay dry. Today I was hit with a wave from behind and was quickly reminded how powerful the sea is; I also managed to literally fill my boots with water which I will have to grudgingly live with until they dry out again.

It's becoming brutally clear that we have got a week of serious sailing ahead of us.

Some of the girls have even bought out their survival suits for the first time and I think I will follow their example tomorrow as the temperatures are set to decrease even further over the next couple of days.

Some more facts about Point Nemo:

  • It was the Croatian-Canadian survey engineer named Hrvoje Lukatela who found the place in 1992 by using a self-designed geospatial program called Hipparchus.
  • Point Nemo (at coordinates 48°52.6′ south, 123°23.6′ west) lies 2688 kilometers (1,670 miles) from a trio of land dots: Ducie Island to the north, an uninhabited atoll in the Pitcairn Islands; Motu Nui to the northeast, a tiny islet off Easter Island; and frigid Maher Island to the south, off the Antarctic coast.

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