
Ahmad al-Rashid

Syrian campaigner and postgraduate student, born in Aleppo

Ahmad is a Syrian campaigner, he was born in Aleppo, Syria. He studied English language and literature before fleeing the country due to the conflict to the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Ahmad worked there as a volunteer teaching English in the Syrian refugee camps and later on joined the UN to work for both the Syrian refugee response and the Iraqi displaced people response after Mousl fell for ISIS.

His work gave him the opportunity to be in direct contact with people who have survived horrendous circumstances. He worked with Christians, Yazidis, Kurds, Arabs and Turkmans fleeing war in both Syria and Iraq. Ahmad had to flee Iraq as well due to the security situation and moved to the UK in July 2015 taking the horrendous journey from the Middle East. He was granted asylum in the UK recently.

Since his arrival in the UK mid 2015, Ahmad has been working with various groups and organisations advocating for refugee rights and children refugees. He was in the UK Parliament on several occasions and appeared on BBC, ITV, Zagros and other media outlets. His writings appeared on the Guardian and the Independent. He took part in panels,events and public debates to raise awareness about the plight of Syrian refugees.

Currently he is a postgraduate student at SOAS - University of London studying violence, conflict and development.

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