
Andrew Moore

Chief Merchandising Officer, Asda

Andrew Moore is Chief Merchandising Officer for Asda, a position he has held since May 2012. In this role, Andrew is responsible for a wide range of non-food products, covering everything from homewear through to books, DVDs, games and DIY.

Prior to this position, Andrew spent two years as Executive Managing Director of George. In this role, Andrew was instrumental in ramping up the brand's digital presence, re-launching the George website with updated functionality and imagery to drive growth on

Andrew joined George in 2008 after spending 25 years at Marks and Spencer where he held several senior buying positions, including Director of General Merchandise Planning. He left the high street retailer in 2007 to set up his own retail consultancy in Cape Town, and spent a year working as a consultant to the board of Woolworths in South Africa.

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