
Deborah Doane

Director, World Development Movement

Deborah is director at WDM. Since 1996 she has worked on ethical trading, human rights and sustainable development issues, most recently as head of sustainable consumption at WWF-UK. Prior to that, she was director of the CORE Coalition of over 130 NGOs, which achieved groundbreaking changes to UK Company Law to improve governance of social and environmental impacts. Previously, Deborah was head of corporate accountability at the New Economics Foundation, and led the Humanitarian Ombudsman Project for the British Red Cross.
Deborah is a frequent guest lecturer and has published widely on sustainability, human rights and corporate accountability issues. She is on the board of the Fairtrade Foundation, and was a member of the Corporate Responsibility Advisory Group of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England Wales between 2004 and 2010. She is also a co-founder of Anti-Apathy, which supports people to take creative approaches to social and environmental issues.

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